
Our Promise to You

Risk-Free Guarantee & Satisfaction-Based Payment

At MythMaker Creations, every service package we offer comes with the assurance of a Risk-Free Guarantee. This means that we’ve structured our payments in stages to align with your satisfaction; you only proceed with payments if you’re happy with the work we do.

From the initial concept to the final masterpiece, our commitment is to meet and exceed your expectations. Because of this, our packages offer a money-back guarantee at key stages if you are not happy with our services.


Starter Cover Pack

Staged Payment Plan

Stage 1 – Initial Deposit

Jump-start the project with a 20% deposit. This commitment fee secures your slot and initiates the design process.

Stage 2 – Design Approval Payment

We will work on your cover and continue to work on that cover until you are happy with the design. Only when you are happy will we request payment of the full amount, at which point the finished artwork and bonus features will be forwarded to you.

Our Guarantee

We aren’t happy until you are, so we don’t take full payment until you are 100% satisfied with your book cover. However, should you feel we haven’t met your expectations at any point during the design process, we won’t request the final payment and will refund your initial deposit.

Book Launch Pack

Staged Payment Plan

Stage 1 – Initial Deposit

Jump-start the project with a 20% deposit. This commitment fee secures your slot and initiates the design process.

Stage 2 – Cover Design Approval Payment

We will work on your cover and continue to work on that cover until you are happy with the design. When you are happy, we will request the next 40% payment. At this point, all finished cover artwork and related bonus features will be forwarded to you.

Stage 3 – Formatting Approval Payment

With the cover now complete, we will format your book for the paperback print edition. Once you are happy with this design, we will request the final 40% payment. At this point, we will complete all other formats and bonus features, and your book will be ready for its launch.

Our Guarantee

Again, we aren’t happy until you are, so we offer a full money-back guarantee should we not meet your expectations at Stage 2. That means that if your cover isn’t working for you, we won’t request any further payments and will refund your deposit.

As you can only reach Stage 3 if you are happy with your book cover, we do not offer any further refunds at this point. However, should we fail to meet your expectations on Stage 3, we will not request the final 40% of the payment.

Pro Author Pack

Staged Payment Plan

Stage 1 – Initial Deposit

This 10% deposit secures your slot and initiates the design process.

Stage 2 – Cover Design & Formatting Approval Payment

We work on your cover and the interior formatting of the paperback print edition. When you’re happy, we request the next 20% payment.

Stage 3 – Logo Design Payment

Our next step will be to work on your logo. When you are happy with this, we will request the next 20% payment. At this point we will amend your book designs to include your author logo, and complete any outstanding bonus features until this point. Everything will be forwarded over to you before moving on to stage 4.

Stage 4 – Website Design Payment

At this stage, we create an interactive design of what your website will look like when finished. When you are happy, we will request the next 20% payment, then move on to stage 5.

Stage 5 – Website Development Payment

We turn your web design into a working website before we request the final 20% payment. Once this is paid, we will set it up on your hosting under your new domain name and set you up with your email address and any extra outstanding bonus features.

Our Guarantee

We offer a full money-back guarantee should we not meet your expectations at Stage 2. That means that if your cover or formatting isn’t working for you, we won’t request any further payments and will refund your deposit.

As you can only reach Stage 3 if you are happy with your book cover and formatting, we do not offer any further refunds at this point. However, should we fail to meet your expectations at any later stage, we will not request any further payment from you.

No risk, all Reward! Select your package now and take the next step on your Pro Author Dream.