This is the cover for White Wolf, John Conroe’s latest novel in the Demon Accords Series. Check out the video below for a more in-depth look at how this cover was created:
As is always the case with this series, it was a lot of fun to work on. Bringing Stacia to life in all three of her forms (human, wolf, and beast-woman) started with a simple sketch that was our variation on a concept that the author had for this cover.
From here, we worked with the following selection of base images in Photoshop to help bring this sketch to life.
To achieve something that looked like the final result, there was a lot of cutting, pasting, blending, and colour matching. However, it was not until shadows and highlights were hand-painted into place that the final image came together.
The titles were created using a mixture of Adobe Illustrator for the base and Photoshop for the effects.
We were pretty close on the first try, and this cover only needed one round of revisions to change Stacia’s beast form to something that fits more closely with the author’s vision. From that point on, it was just a case of resizing this cover to the various dimensions needed for ebook, audiobook, and poster formats, and this cover was ready for the book’s launch.